Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Well, that didn't take long...

Picture by Richard Long from his book "A Line Made by Walking"

It's Day 5 and there are only three posts. How soon I can forget to do something I want to do. I got caught up in needed to do what I was "suppose" to do and when I froze on that, a lot of other things didn't get done (like yesterday's post).

Interesting how we can allow something we are fighting to do control everything thing else we do and stop us dead in our tracks. We want to stay "focused" and not get distracted by something else. We want to stay on point and finish this project, no matter what the cost, so we don't leave yet another one unfinished. We don't want to let someone down, so we sit in avoidance and not do anything letting down so many other people. We go to battle with this "Thing". We create an attitude of all or nothing.

I've been listening to a lot of Abraham Hicks lately (thanks to the ease of Youtube). They spend a lot of time talking about the "Path of Least Resistance"; do what feels natural to you; notice when something doesn't feel right: keep a positive outlook:, and what you put out you receive. (Ok, this is completely my take-a-way in cliff-note version and I am so totally sure there is much much more, but for short story sakes...) Looking back at yesterday, (with Hindsight as my Super Hero) I wasn't living the path of least resistance.  I was, instead, forcing myself to do something and as a result I sat at my desk hitting my head against the wall.

On the flip side, when I was able to eventually start my project I had a blast! I worked through some hiccups have been in the way stopping me. I have a worksheet to assist my clients with. I have a game plan about what to do with my own marketing that I'm proud of. So I'm glad that I didn't give up on what I wanted to do. But...

But... Is there a way we could stay on track, remember what the big picture is, forgive ourselves when we're not ready to work on this or that part, allow ourselves to work on a different section, and then try again when the resistance isn't there? I know! That is asking a lot! Just think, how much could we accomplish if we listened to our inner self and allowed it to steer the direction every now and then!

So, I'm back. I'm not going to get on my case and I'm not going to yell at myself. I'm going to learn from yesterday and I'm going to continue on this discovery journey.  I'm going to work at listening to myself and allowing my emotions to be.

What are you going to do? Power on? Or try to understand why you've put an invisible wall in front of you? Whatever you choose, I'm glad you're here on this trip with me. Thank you!

Photo Credit to Richard Long. If you would like to purchase his book please follow this link 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Why Discipline?

Like all good stories... It all started long ago in a far away land called Redford.

I realized what I was doing wasn't what I wanted to do. I didn't fully enjoy my micro interior design studio, working retail wasn't going to cut, and I had no worth-while marketable skills for a job I could live on. I discovered I needed to do something else. But what?

For nearly twelve months, I floated and bounced around. Throughout this, I discovered a career I like! How do I know I like it you ask? (Don't laugh) I know I like it because I read books about it. (I'm a slow and clumsy  reader and don't do it often, so this is a pretty big deal for me.) I want to know more about it. I go outside my comfort zone for it.  (And, we all know how hard that is to do.)

Now, I've spent six months learning and developing skills for this new adventure. I've taken classes, attended webinars, read books, listened to podcasts, (gaining an education is a different experience with Google than before) and gotten certified. I am ready to hang my shingle and get going! How exciting for me and my future!!!

But... But... But, I'm A.F.R.A.I.D.

I'm afraid to put all this knowledge I have into action. What if I really don't know anything?
I'm afraid to do what I know I can do (what I'm trained to do.)? What if it doesn't go the way I think it will?
I'm afraid to attempt the work. What if people think I'm stupid?

This is why the "D"-word (Discipline)

I Know I can do this.
I Know I have the knowledge to back up my processes.
I Know people will find value in my work.
I Know that starting and continuing will give me confidence.
I Know that with confidence fear will diminish.
I Know that having discipline will give me the backbone to continue on when I-Just-Don't-Wanna.

That is Why the need for Discipline...

The desire to overcome fear and accomplish something I Know I want and to live the life I dream about.

Day 3 of 90... only 86 more to go! I got this! Want to join me on my journey?

Thank you Very Best Quotes for a great motivational picture!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Discipline: Day 2

Sometimes you can't see where the path leads you, but if you take a moment you can see the beauty even in the fog.
New Beginnings
It's raining. #Cuteness is here, meaning it's family time. A perfect day for movies and naps. But, I want more than this. Or, I want days like this more. No matter how the coin is flipped I want different than I've had, and that, my friend, is why I'm here typing and not stopping even before I've begun.

They say that it's not the destination but the journey that is important. I totally agree.  I'm thankful #Cuteness is focused on cleaning her room (only because I've bribed her with fudge.) I'm grateful my husband is working in his office and looks up to smile at me every now and then. I'm happy with my life and I never want to take any of it for granted ever. I just want more! And more! And more!

I want to always keep growing! I want to always keep learning! I want to always keep exploring! I want to always keep giving! I want to always keep smiling and laughing!

My question to you is... What do you want? What are you willing to do to change your life? Or, are you happy where you are?

Friday, June 26, 2015

A Blog a Day

Discipline: (noun) training or conditions imposed for the improvement of physical powers, self-control, etc.

I need to work on mine! No, that's not accurate... I need to find where I hid mine, dust off the cobwebs - THEN start rebuilding to make it stronger. It's not a word people would use to describe me. However, it is a characteristic a new wife, a new step-mom, a new business owner "should" have. (Or, know where it's hiding.)

I am great at having ideas. I have journals full of brainstorms or brain-dumbs! I am a wiz at starting projects. My art studio has piles of unfinished "good intentions". But, having the discipline to actually finish something (anything)... Now, that is a rare event and should be celebrated!

But... But... I want more out of life! I'm learning, slowly, that the "D"-word is important tool to help me get there!!! And, I'm too suborn to just give in and let life win... So, I'm going to find my Discipline, start training, and Live the Life I crave!

My first task in this journey: Blog every day for 90 days.

Now, here's the flip-side: I'm nervous! In the past when I've started something my follow through has lasted 2 days, 5 days at the most... And here I am broadcasting to the world I'm going to do something for 90 days! At the same time, I'm excited about it. I can't wait to see who I am at the end of this challenge. How will my writing evolve? Will my discipline change? Will I enjoy it?

Like the road less traveled... We'll see where it takes me.

Photo Credit: TheThingsWeSay.com