Sunday, October 16, 2011


Before challenge of wall paper removal & shelf destruction 

I read a quote last week. It’s all I've been thinking about when my mind starts wondering.

“The results you produce in life will be inversely proportional to the degree to which you are intimidated.” – Robert Ringer

When I first read it, it moved me and gave me a feeling of empowerment. But, I didn’t know if I really understood it… Had a discussion about it with a friend, and I did understand… Causing me to like it more.

As I thought about the quote I realized a contradiction in myself. In my head I’m completely and totally non-intimidated. I can do anything! (I do have a cape and a tiara to prove it) Then, there is the real me - the timid one who is afraid to ask/charge my professional worth, afraid to talk to someone at a networking event. I get nervous about beginning a new project, specially when I’ve never done it before. Considering I’m starting a whole new life full of changes and new ideas intimidation is NOT the best of traits.

The quote also got me analyzing the success of some of my “friends” (I have spend a fair amount of  time in the car this week.)  

There is a man I follow on Twitter who is rocking out in the website world. I read his tweets about contracts being signed, clients liking his work, showing him respect.  I imagine there is pressure to create these, get new clients and maintain the ones he has, but he always appears happy, positive. Nothing seems to stop him. Nothing seems to intimidate him. He use to play pro-football… After sitting down today watching the Loins play and really paying attention to what happens to those boys on the field...  I understand a bit better why he has so much confidence. With the responsibility of the game there is no way a client could do anything to make him question himself.

A very good friend of mine is a top sales person regularly brings in million dollar contracts (for a training program!) This guy could sell ice to an Eskimo. I always admired him, his integrity. He does the right thing. , doesn’t get swayed and stands firm. He is not intimidated (has however, intimidated me often.) Then I remember he use to be one of the people responsible or pushing the big red GO button for a nuclear missile when he was in the Navy. (just think, I can’t even handle killing a spider.) I cannot imagine what that would feel like. That level of doing what you’re told.

As I rebuild my life, the life I’ve been dreaming about, and create a house reflecting hope, my personality, and the future… I get scared. Am I doing the right thing? How am I going to learn to do THAT? Where is the money going to come from? Are they going to like my design ideas? Then I think about the quote:

“The results you produce in life will be inversely proportional to the degree to which you are intimidated.” – Robert Ringer

I think about all my “friends” that are going through so much and not being intimidated and standing in their own right:
  • My beautiful friend watching her husband deal with cancer!
  • My talent friend who is getting his masters in interior design, while working as a physician and still has time for his partner and friends!
  • My amazing and wonderful cousin who married her girlfriend and they just gave birth to twins!

After I kick some booty!
You all inspire me so much… So, I put on my Big Girl Panties and I work on growing my large colorful wings and remember NOT to be intimated by whatever/whoever comes in my way!


  1. I frequently have to remind myself to put on my big girl panties!

  2. I am frequently intimidated...but I acknowledge that is more about what is in my head than what is in reality. As a proud geek, I will paraphrase a concept from Green Lantern - it is more important to be able to overcome fear than it is not to have fear at all.
