Thursday, July 16, 2015

Promote Love

I went to a meeting today for #Cuteness's ice skating group. It was for closing out last season and what might be happening next year. Well, that's what it was supposed to be about. Instead, it was the mom's tell the instructors about more work that they had to do.

After one lady finished her list of "suggestions" about what should be done, they asked her if she would like to spearhead that group. The response, "I'm just and idea person."

I felt so dirty after being in the room. I commend how wonderful the coaches listened and truly took the feedback. It's just that it didn't feel very supportive, for the  mom's, the coaches or environments for the kids... Makes me wonder where our intentions are?

Now I'm curious... What are your intentions? Do you go to meetings open minded? Do youfind ways to actually help and put sweat in the game? Do you go in just to listen? Do you go in to give "ideas"? Do you go in with a chip on your shoulder or eager lift up the group?

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