Friday, July 31, 2015

Take a Step Back, Just for a Moment

Every now and then you have to take a step back and look at what you've accomplished.

Looking at what you've done gives you a chance to pat yourself on the back. It also gives you a chance to make sure you're swimming in the right direction. (It's like swimming across the pool; you don't want to make it across only to find you swam horizontally instead of straight.)

So, what have I done you ask? I created my first website from scratch (at least as "from scratch" as you can with the template on Wordpress), including All the graphics. I set up 4 coordinating social media sites and started to a marketing campaign. I know... Not such a big deal...

But... But... It's my first case study for my new business. When I get this all done, I can officially say I'm a Social Media Manager! And have something to show potential clients.

It was so cool finishing the website today! I've been working on all the information, copy, pictures, sites for 2 weeks now. And it's done!

What do you think? Did I nail it? ...Click Here to see the entire site... (Editor's note: Yes, I know there are typos. Yes, I know the spelling needs to be corrected in some places. That's on tomorrow's to do list for someone who actually knows how to spell.)

So... What are you proud of? When was the last time you stepped back to look at what you've finished?

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