Friday, July 24, 2015

Wait! They're coming when?!?!?

Ok, if you're anything like me, chances are you're most likely not a huge fan of cleaning, but you love a clean place. I know I'll never have the super clean house; I have too causal a lifestyle and too many hobbies (like TV vegging). But, when people come over I like the house clean. I don't want people to worry about where they sit, or what they touch. 

Which leads to what I've done all night (Friday night)... CLEANED! It's our weekend with #Cuteness... We've know she was coming over on Saturday for weeks. Did we clean up the massive purging, stuff every where for the last 10 days, what-do-I-do-with-this mess before last min? Nope. Did we say we would work on cleaning a little every day? Yep!!! Did we? Nope. 

So tonight I cleaned bathrooms, vacuumed the apartment, cleaned the kitchen (including the floor) and washed 4 loads of laundry... Not relaxing if you were wondering. 

The frustration thing is I do this every time!   I live in a world of reacting more than I do being proactive. And, I don't know how to change that mindset.  Do you? Because I would love some tips... This isn't An overly fun place to be. 

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